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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate December 22 to December 31 Warm-hearted

You receive a great deal of love and affection, and a warm-hearted feeling forms the backdrop to your situation. There’s an atmosphere of mutual trust and thoughtfulness towards one another. Use this opportunity to approach difficult, unavoidable conversations. Those you talk to are not so keen to argue but strive for a solution.

Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Group dynamic

You can play a leading role in any situation you’re currently involved in, but don’t have to direct others, as they know what to expect. You achieve what you need to without too much effort, but the part you play is extremely beneficial and your contribution influential. Your happy-go-lucky approach ensures everyone feels good.

Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Impressive

People are impressed with your positive attitude, reassuringly, your encouraging approach helps achieve a good outcome. If you have been waiting for an appropriate moment for an important discussion, this is the right time. If you engage in conversations with those in authority, such as the police, officials or tutors, they invariably turn out well and meet with your approval.